A lifetime devoted to the love and care of animals in need.

Tom Medwin's journey with the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA (HBSPCA) is a testament to his unwavering passion for animals and his dedication to community service. Starting in January of this year, Tom initially volunteered as a driver, assisting with various tasks such as managing the pet pantry and picking up Amazon orders. Unfortunately, an old  shoulder injury flared up, rendering him unable to perform heavy lifting duties. However, this did not deter Tom from contributing to the HBSPCA. Instead, he shifted his focus to walking dogs weekly and occasionally undertaking extra jobs, such as transporting foster kittens to the shelter for surgery.Tom's connection with the HBSPCA dates back to 2009 when he first retired from Burlington Hydro’s meter department. His initial foray into volunteering at the shelter was driven by his love for animals. Shortly after retiring, he resumed working on a contract basis for 12 years, focusing on hydro metering in rural areas. This job allowed him to interact with numerous animals, further fueling his passion for animal welfare.

The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily halted many volunteer opportunities, but this year, Tom reconnected with the HBSPCA. He approached the organization and established a meaningful connection with Melissa Foley, Director of Volunteer Services & Program Partnerships. After obtaining his driver's abstract and criminal reference check, Tom was ready to resume his volunteer work. "I have a passion for animals," he shared. "As a boy, I dragged stray cats home to take care of." This lifelong love for animals is evident in Tom's actions and dedication.

One memorable incident that highlights Tom's dedication involves a pure white, blue-eyed, deaf cat that showed up at his doorstep. After notifying the HBSPCA about the lost cat, the owners were located. The couple, expecting a baby, were uncomfortable having a cat in the house and asked Tom if he would keep her. Persuaded by his children, Tom and his family decided to adopt the cat, who lived to be 22 years old. This story is a testament to Tom's commitment to providing a loving home to animals in need.Tom's current involvement with the HBSPCA brings him immense joy. "I’ve met so many nice people and there is so much going on there," he said. "I’ve made new friends. It’s great." Living in Hamilton with his wife Karen, Tom no longer has pets at home. Therefore, his time at the SPCA allows him to get his 'animal fix' and continue doing what he loves.

Tom's affinity for animals extends to his personal life. He has had cats all his life and fondly recalls having a puppy as a child. This tendency to rescue animals in need has been passed down to his children, who have also shown a similar inclination. During the pandemic, Tom displayed his compassion by setting up a water dish and some treats on the sidewalk for people walking their dogs. He dubbed this thoughtful gesture as 'curbside service,' which was well-received by the community.

Tom’s volunteer work at the HBSPCA goes beyond his immediate responsibilities. His presence and efforts contribute to the broader mission of the organization, which is to support the welfare of animals and enhance the bond between animals and humans. The HBSPCA relies heavily on volunteers like Tom to carry out its various programs and services, from pet adoption and fostering to education and outreach initiatives. Tom’s dedication exemplifies the vital role volunteers play in the success of the organization.

Furthermore, Tom's story serves as an inspiration to others who may be considering volunteering. His willingness to adapt to different roles within the organization, despite physical limitations, demonstrates that there are numerous ways to contribute and make a difference. Whether it’s through walking dogs, transporting animals, or engaging in other supportive activities, every effort counts and is deeply valued.

The HBSPCA offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, catering to diverse interests and skills. Volunteers can participate in animal care, administrative support, special events, and more. The organization provides training and support to ensure that volunteers are well-equipped to carry out their duties effectively. Tom’s positive experience and the friendships he has formed through his volunteer work highlight the personal rewards that come from being part of such a compassionate community.

Tom’s contributions are not limited to his physical presence at the shelter. His story and actions also raise awareness about the importance of animal welfare and the impact of community involvement. By sharing his experiences, Tom encourages others to consider how they can support organizations like the HBSPCA, whether through volunteering, donations, or advocacy.

In conclusion, Tom Medwin's journey with the HBSPCA is a remarkable example of how one individual’s passion for animals can make a significant difference. His dedication, adaptability, and genuine love for animals have had a positive impact on both the organization and the animals it serves. The HBSPCA and the community are fortunate to have someone like Tom, whose efforts not only support the immediate needs of the animals but also foster a culture of compassion and kindness. Tom’s story is a reminder that every act of volunteering, no matter how small, contributes to a greater cause and helps build a better, more caring community. Thank you, Tom, for bringing your passion for animals and for helping the community to the HBSPCA!

Are you looking to be a part of an organization that gives back?  Volunteer with the HBSPCA.  Find current opportunities here https://www.hbspca.com/ways-to-help/volunteer

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