Our Volunteers Are Turning Heads

Recently, we had the privilege to honor and celebrate six of our incredible long time volunteers at the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.  Ontario recognizes thousands of volunteers across the province for their outstanding contribution to the community.

It was an honor to be a part of this event and recognize these amazing individuals here at the HBSPCA. Each organization was only permitted to put forward 6 names. Otherwise every volunteer in the organization would be recipient!  We will be part of this event annually going forward and have the opportunity to celebrate more members of our outstanding volunteer team in the years ahead.

Please congratulate these exceptional volunteers on this well deserved award!

Wendy Burkholder: Wendy has been a long time outstanding volunteer in the organization for over 25 years, deeply embedded into the operations of our Companion Animal Hospital. Wendy has provided vital care to hundreds of animals over her years of service and an exceptional inspiring commitment to the health and welfare of cats. Wendy has been the voice for our feline friends.

Annette & John Goar:  Annette and John have been volunteering with our organization for over 23 years and not only have dedicated their lives to helping others every day of their life, but have been the backbone of providing support and products to those in need in our community and at outreach events. Their contribution to not only our organization but a multitude of others and individuals is remarkable.

Anne Overy:  Anne has been a devoted foster parent and volunteer with our organization for almost 10 years not only assisting in any capacity she can but has opened her home to over 500 of our shelter animals. Yes 500! Anne's commitment and passion for the welfare of animals is inspiring and remarkable, enabling every one of our animals have a brighter future.

Christine Steeves: Christine has been a remarkable volunteer for our 25 years including fostering over 183 of our shelter animals amidst also working in our Companion Animal Hospital playing a vital role in the health and welfare of every animal that comes through its doors. Christine has enabled our organization to fulfill is mission at an outstanding level.

Charles Watson: Charles has been a volunteer with the organization for almost 10 years and many of you will recognize him from his journeys around our property getting hundreds of our dogs on a walk. Not only did Charles remain the only dog walker throughout Covid19, in rain or shine, but without his integral involvement, our Canine Companion Program would not have had a successful relaunch this January.

Congratulations to these incredible individuals!

Ready to make a difference in your community?  Check out our volunteer opportunities here

Il faut beaucoup de cœur pour faire la différence. Tu peux m'aider.