Supporting Animals and Their Families

HBSPCA Supports Animals and Their Families
Expanding Programs to Help Address Pet Affordability Crisis
HAMILTON, Ontario (January 23, 2024) – Responding to significant increases in requests for support in early 2024, the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA (HBSPCA) is expanding its community assistance programs, such as Pet Food Pantry and Pet Wellness Clinics, to help address the pet affordability crisis being experienced by animals and their families.
The Pet Food Pantry, which provides pet guardians with pet food and basic supplies has seen a rapid uptick in requests for access, indicating pet families are struggling with affordability. Additionally, two adult cats and a kitten were recently left outside the HBSPCA after hours one very cold evening. This cat family is healthy in HBSPCA’s care but their arrival highlights the growing need for its community assistance programs and services intended to ensure families experiencing difficulties caring for their pets do not have to make the difficult decision to surrender them.
“The HBSPCA is here to help families avoid being forced to surrender their pets due to affordability issues related to basic pet care,” said Michelle Macnab, Director Community Outreach and Animal Programs, HBSPCA. “Available to everyone in the community, HBSPCA programs, including the Pet Food Pantry, our low-cost Spay and Neuter program as well as pet wellness clinics where vaccines and other services are provided, are designed to keep animals and their families together.”
More About HBSPCA Programs:
Pet Wellness Clinics are intended to provide accessible veterinary care for pets (including full exam, vaccines, a dose of flea prevention and a broad spectrum dewormer) at an affordable cost to the pet guardian. To learn more about eligibility and upcoming clinic dates visit the Pet Wellness Clinics web page.
Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program provides low-cost, high quality spay-neuter surgeries for cats performed by licensed and skilled veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians as a service to low-income pet guardians. To learn more about the services and eligibility, visit the Low Cost Spay/Neuter Program web page.