Leave a Legacy of Compassion


When our supporters talk to us about leaving bequests to the Hamilton/Burlington SPCA (HBSPCA), they are often concerned about the uncertainty surrounding the size of their estate when they pass on. No one knows exactly when they’ll pass on, let alone what the value of their estate will be when the time comes. We can help you to find a giving plan that fits your needs and supports the animals in our care.

Here are two ways to make a bequest that ease the worry around estate size and gift amount.

• Many people choose to make what are known as residual gifts. This type of donation is the leftovers after all of a person’s fixed obligations are met. For example, someone could leave a certain amount of money to each child and grandchild – and then leave the remainder to the HBSPCA.
• Others prefer to leave a percentage of their estate to the HBSPCA. For example, someone with children and grandchildren might divide their estate into equal portions. Each child and grandchild will receive an equal portion – and the final portion might be split between that person’s local hospital and the HBSPCA.

Planning for the future doesn’t need to deprive your loved ones in order to fit in your beloved charities, nor does it need to put a strain on you as you work to put your affairs in order.

Your loving gift will be there for the animals, providing support for the lifesaving work we do every day, as well as building a foundation for a brighter future.

Want to know of a way that can make your impact go further?
To learn about the different gift options available to you, please contact: 905-574-7722 ext. 120 or development@hhspca.com

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